
LED Strip
01 Aug


From security systems to plugs, a home needs to be upgraded to become an upgraded and modern home. If you’re not in the mood to upgrade your usual appliances, electronics, lighting, or other high-tech appliances that can be controlled directly through a phone, a smart power strip is a smart way to proceed. Conventional power

Aeotec TriSensor
27 Jun

What is an Aeotec TriSensor?

Every Z-Wave smart home relies on data for automated processes that make a smart home responsive and safe. The Aeotec TriSensor provides your smart home’s three most crucial intelligence components. The improbable compact finish of the TriSensor is made of three different sensors. A motion sensor, a temperature sensor, and a light intensity sensor are

Aeotec LED Bulb 6
15 Jun

Aeotec LED Bulb 6

Aeotec LED Bulb 6 Product Overview? There are multiple choices for you when it comes to your home’s lighting. However, some smart choices can lead to better home lighting, which can even be cost-saving in the long term. When we talk about cost-caving through lights, Aeotec LED Bulb 6 comes to mind. It’s a Smart

06 Jun

Aeotec Z Wave LED Strip Product Overview?

LED lights have resulted in being one of the most popular options in the modern era. LED strip lights are made of a long, flexible circuit board with light-emitting diodes attached. Accent or decorative lighting is highly common with these lights, but you can also use them for more practical applications. The Aeotec Z wave