eZLO Smart Home

How to save money with a smart home system?
31 Mar

How to save money with a smart home system

A smart home is not only convenient but also cost-effective. All automation solutions boil down to two basic goals — saving time and saving effort. The first reason why we think of automating something is we want the job to be done by a machine. When we use a dishwasher, we do it because we

3 Must-Ask Questions Before You Start with Home Automation
31 Mar

3 Must-Ask Questions Before You Start with Home Automation

We’ve come a long way since the old-school ways of home automation. Back then, high-end facilities would need specialized installers and monthly fees to rig up a smart environment. Today, anyone can experience a smart home — all you need is a Wi-Fi connection, the hub, and your smartphone. Talk about easy, right? Now where to begin

5 Things You Should Be Aware of Before Building a Smart Home
31 Mar

5 Things You Should be Aware of Before Building a Smart Home

Here are a few key ideas that, I believe, everyone who’s new to smart home technologies should know. I love the idea of a smart home and all the technologies appearing every day, but I often see that people do not clearly understand what it actually means and how to make the best use of

31 Mar

Security and Privacy in Modern Smart Home Systems

Usually, a typical smart home system includes a few devices from different manufacturers that communicate with your smartphone and\or with each other wirelessly. While enthusiasts find it very appealing and handy, technical experts say there’s also cause for concern for potential security and privacy threats. What if the data transferred between home automation devices can