eZLO Smart Home

30 Jul

4 Smart Home Camera Tips to increase your security

Did you know that homes without a security system are 300% more likely to be burglarized? Security cameras can provide you the peace of mind you want, plus give you the ability to keep in touch with what’s going on at home when you’re away. Whether you’re thinking about investing in a camera or have some

24 Jul

How smart home tech can assist the independent living

According to the US Census Bureau, 10.000 people turn 65 every day, and 65% of older adults rely exclusively on the family to provide assistance that allows them to continue living independently. But living as independently as possible while their abilities and health may be declining is not easy on the family, and that’s why, more and

17 Jul

Can your smart home still be smart without the cloud?

What does local control mean and what makes it different from cloud control? Imagine that you are at home and open up your Vera app and change the temperature in your child’s room or turn on her lights. Because they are on the same local network, your app is able to send a direct message

12 smart home hacks post
13 Jul

12 Smart Home Hacks That Can Save You Big

From home security to energy savings, there are plenty of ways to add convenience to your home, saving energy and giving yourself more free yourself are just a couple. Although they may entail a bigger upfront cost, smart devices like thermostats and LED bulbs can offer you more comfort with the ability to control them remotely, while