eZLO Smart Home

10 Jul

5 Myths about Smart Homes

As we noted last week, the idea of the smart home has been around a while. And while we still haven’t reached the point of mass adoption, the potential of the technology has been written about for decades. And over time, there are some things that were once that are still widely believed—even if advances

Simple Tips to Smarten Up Your Apartment
03 Jul

5 Renter-friendly tips to smarten up your apartment

You don’t have to wait until you own a home to start a smart home If you rent, you can still enjoy the same benefits with a simple, wire-free setup.  That way, when it’s time to head on to your next place, you can just pack up your system  with the rest of your belongings.

26 Jun


Ezlo vs Smartthings Speed Test If you are looking to replace your existing slow and frustrating hub or want to start your first smart home project, there are more than enough options for you to choose from, but we’ll make it A LOT easier for you. Smart Home hubs these days need to be more than always

16 Jun

Motion-triggered recording with Scenes and VistaCam 702

Putting security cameras in your home sounds like a smart idea, but it may not feel that way if you have to watch them all the time. That’s why it’s essential to find a camera with motion-activated recording and mobile alerts. With these features you can go about your day, let the camera keep an