Cool Things You Can Do with a Home Automation System

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Home Automation System

Do you remember the time you entered an automatic door and felt like a Jedi? It made clapper lights seem eons away that you started daydreaming of hover boards and flying cars from ‘Back to the Future’. Well, we’re almost there! But for now, your home can be a creative playground where you can have a taste of the future while living safe and easy.

Cool Things You Can Do with a Home Automation System

With home automation systems, you can experience the perks of space and beyond, inside your home with one simple app. How cool is that?

Here are the finest features of having a smart home.

1. Orchestrate Your Lighting

You know how one person can light up the whole room? With motion sensors, you can light up the entire house in a touch of a button. Dim or brighten, turn on or off, set the mood for romantic evenings, or let it fade away as you enter a good night’s sleep, smart lighting lets you set the mood anywhere in the house.

2. Be Ridiculously Entertained

Experience your own movie theater and never ever worry about multiple remotes anymore. Listen to music and set the scene or distribute different genres across the house. You can also activate a song when someone enters a room or tone down the volume to answer a call.

3. Talk to Your House When You’re Away

It’s vacation time and you’ve just arrived to this pristine island to laze your mind. You may be a little too excited that you forgot some things at home. But before you even panic, the home automation app had notified you of the broken fridge, the freezing pipe, and the unlocked garage. Everything’s taken care of in a few taps. It’s like a home guard always to the rescue.

4. Scare-off Intruders

Another cool thing about a smart home is its security features. You can be warned by motion sensors like the ones in eZLO if an intruder is detected. Give the illusion that you’re home and animate the lights around the house or intimidate them by triggering a voice threat when the sensors are triggered. “I don’t know who you are, but I will find you.” Something like that!

5. Control the Climate

‘Home Sweet Home’ — is coming back from a vacation and entering your house without breaking a sweat or freezing to death. It’s all because your heating and air conditioning systems are set to regulate the weather inside your home. The bonus part is, you can also save energy and lower the bill!

6. Relax and Live Easy

There’s nothing better than waking up in your favorite jam as the window shades slowly invite the sun. Indulge Sunday mornings with a set-up dimmer, fireplace, and slow jazz. To cap the night off, simmer the mood down to call you to sleep. The fun side is, you can crank up the sounds to wake yourself up so you never have to be late for work again.

While you’re waiting for flying cars, get a hint of smart living with home automation systems and tap into the new world.

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