How to ask Siri to run Ezlo Scenes on your iPhone?

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We’ve introduced a useful new feature in the latest version of the Vera iOS mobile app: Siri Shortcuts compatibility.  This is a simple way to trigger your Vera scenes using custom voice commands.

Siri shortcuts currently work with all Vera controllers if you are running the latest version of the iOS mobile app.

Shortcuts can be as simple or complex as you like. Several actions can be configured to run in sequence, so you could ask Siri to check the weather forecast, make your coffee using a Vera scene, and then send a text message to say you’re on your way out.

Create your first Vera Shortcut

To demonstrate the power of shortcuts, we’ll take a look at one basic shortcut — Link one of your existing Vera Scenes from your Vera Mobile app.


  1. Open up the Shortcuts app, and tap + to create a “New Shortcut”
  2. In the “New Shortcut” screen tap “•••” in the top right corner.
  3. Enter the desired name of your shortcut. Eg: “Good Morning”. Tap “Done”.
  4. Tap “+ Add Action”  then tap “Apps”.
  5. Look for the Vera Mobile app icon, and tap on it.
  6. Select your Vera Mobile scene that you want to call up with Siri. Tap “Done”.
  7. Ask Siri to run your shortcut.

Hey Siri — Good Morning


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