eZLO Smart Home

Simple Ways to Start Your Conveinient Home Living
31 Mar

Simple Ways to Start Your Conveinient Home Living

Have you ever contemplated what lessons in your own life Smart Home is trying to teach us? Here are a few I have discovered: If sensors can feel, so should you! Sensors feels. Do you? A very important part of the humanity is to feel and sense something. At most times, we are pre-occupied by

Experience home living with Ezlo
31 Mar

Experience home living to the fullest for you and your family now!

Using EZLO you may now enjoy a full automated home that offers home convenience, home security and a smarter home. Experience home living to the fullest for you and your family now!

Cool Things You Can Do with a Home Automation System
31 Mar

Cool Things You Can Do with a Home Automation System

Home Automation System Do you remember the time you entered an automatic door and felt like a Jedi? It made clapper lights seem eons away that you started daydreaming of hover boards and flying cars from ‘Back to the Future’. Well, we’re almost there! But for now, your home can be a creative playground where

A Closer Look into the Internet of Things
31 Mar

A Closer Look into the Internet of Things

Before the awesomeness that is the Internet of Things, this could be (your) someone’s nightmare:  The alarm cranks up forcing you to get over the Monday blues even though it’s a Wednesday. You stare at the ceiling a little longer wishing it would collapse so you’d have an excuse to skip work today. When you finally get