eZLO Smart Home

11 Sep

Protect Your Home from Water Damage with Smart Home Sensors and a Simple Scene

We all know how costly water damage caused by regular wear and tear of pipes, failed couplings of washing machines or clogged utility sinks can be. The good news is that you can prevent or minimize all of this, at a fraction of the cost you would pay for the actual damaged goods and property,

04 Sep

4 Tips for moving your smart devices into a new home

Smart Home Devices in your Home So you’ve decided to pack your things and move into a new home? There are some considerations to be made when moving your smart home technology and automation systems but one thing that’s critical is not to wait until the last minute to pack them up. Each smart device

ezlo Vera House Modes Post
21 Aug

Get out the door faster with predefined Modes

Having control over all of your smart home devices in one simple tap is important. That’s why the Vera app comes with Modes, a feature that simplifies how you interact with all of your smart devices that are paired with your Ezlo or Vera hub. Think of Modes as pre-defined states for your home. For example, when you

14 Aug

8 Awesome Things You Can Do With Smart Plugs

Ezlo Smart Plugs Smart Plugs are a great way to automate your not-so-smart devices like kettles, lamps, fans, and air purifiers, but beyond the basic on/off commands, smart plugs can offer a whole host of other benefits. What are they? Let’s take a look. What are the Things You Can Do With Smart Plugs? Save