Internet of Things

01 Dec

Ecolink Pet Immune Motion Detectors

Ecolink Pet Immune Motion Detectors – Do you have a pet that seems to set off your home security system, no matter how often you adjust the settings? Consider investing in an Ecolink Pet Immune Motion Detector. This device ignores pets up to 80 pounds, so you can rest assured that your furry friend will

2GIG Garage Door Sensor
01 Dec

Ecolink Garage Door Tilt Sensor Review

Ecolink is one of the leading brands of garage door openers, and its tilt sensor is no exception. This review will examine what makes this model so great and whether it is the right choice for you. What is an Ecolink garage door tilt sensor? The Ecolink garage door tilt sensor is a z-wave-enabled device

26 Aug

Centralite 3 Series Appliance Module

As technology advances, so does the standard of living. The smart plug is one example of this cutting-edge technology. Smart Plug Appliance Module is an excellent choice if you want to change your lifeless house into a modern home on a budget. Unlike the earlier used modules that require you to replace all wiring connections,

ezlo Set up your first SH post
10 Jun

Set-up Your First Smart Home In Just 3 Easy Steps

We hear a lot that one of the main reasons people don’t buy smart home technology—even if they’re interested in it—is because they’re worried about the setup being complicated. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Begin right away in three simple steps: Choose a hub based on your needs If you want to