eZLO Smart Home

How to Make Getting Out of Bed in the Morning Easier?
31 Mar

How to Make Getting Out of Bed in the Morning Easier

How to wake up easier — the question every working person is trying to find an answer to… Duh! Go to sleep early. Case closed. Well, it would be nice, but, on one hand, it does not always work, and, on the other hand, we still find it next to impossible to get up at

Top Home Automation Features Women Love
31 Mar

Top Home Automation Features Women Love

When we’re first introduced to home automation, a huge entertainment system with one controller comes to mind, or anything beyond clapper lights, really. But today, this new technology isn’t just for guys and geeks; it also appeals to women of all ages, maybe because women are home more than men. According to Marketing Zeus, 85% of

Home Automation Ideas for the Man Cave
31 Mar

Home Automation Ideas for the Man Cave

  Mankind has diversified over the millennia; we’re talking about the original alpha — males — who were once solely classified as roaring cavemen. Today, they infuse different flavors in the character mix. There’s the hip urban dwellers, the laid-back creatives, the fresh-cut techies, the dapper dudes, the sensitive artiste, and many other facets. All

How to Unite Smart Home Devices into a Single Network?
31 Mar

How to unite smart home devices into a single network

Home automation is a trend of a few last years resulting in numerous new electronic devices appearing on the market. Smart doorbells, LED bulbs, security systems and other solutions now allow controlling homes via mobile apps or even voice commands. Being functional on their own, they still raise the question: is it possible for them